something is missing!

My sweetheart has been in London with her friend for days. Usually that means for me: training camp !!
No time pressure, get up at 6am for the first session of the day and walk until 11pm in the evening. In the meantime, however, I don't even know what else to train. It's slowly scratching my throat and I'm already quite exhausted from the daily monster training. Two more days and I'll have it! Then she's finally back and I can rest.
Every time she comes back she almost falls out of her socks in shock. I, completely emaciated and exhausted, look like I've been suffering from insomnia for days and have done nothing but exercise. Which is not that far-fetched 🙂
It hasn't taken my excuse about current stress at work for a long time.
Because of this, she actually never stays away for more than a week. Not to imagine in what condition she will see her boyfriend again 😉
Two more days, then I'll finally have it again !!
in this sense,
take care of your better half!

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