Study of drinking during competition

recently found on the Powermeter24 - blog:

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of drink temperature on core body temperature and endurance performance when cycling in warm, humid conditions. In addition, it should be found out whether the feeling of coldness in the mouth caused by a small amount of ice puree has an effect on the above parameters. The test group (n = 7) consisted of well-trained cyclists who compete on a regional level.

During the experiment, all subjects had to complete a 15 minute time test after 90 minutes of endurance exercise at about 65% of their VO2max. All test persons carried out this procedure a total of three times and ran through all three test options (cold drinks / room temperature / ice cream). The results clearly show that the group, during the exercise phase (90 minutes at 65% VO2max + 15 minutes time trial test) with cold beverages (4 ° C), had significantly higher performance values (about 4.9 +/- 2.4 %) in the final time trial test ) than with drinks at room temperature (28 ° C). There was no significant difference in performance between the second (room temperature) and the third series of tests (ice cream).

In conclusion, it can be said that cold beverages have a positive effect on performance during exercise in moist, warm air.

Burdon, C., O'Connor, H., Gifford, J., Shirreffs, S., Chapman, P. & Johnson, N. (2010). Effect of drink temperature on core temperature and endurance cycling performance in warm, humid conditions (effect of drinking temperature on core body temperature and endurance performance when cycling under warm, humid conditions). J. Sports Sci., 28 (11), 1147-1156. Accessed on October 07, 2010 at content ~ db = all ~ content = a925280160 ~ frm = titlelink