the dark prince at the pool edge!

Yesterday the time had come ...
I had been looking forward to my evening splash in the club pool all day long,
Aaach it would be nice, first swim in easily, then do a few laps with the others and finally under the hot shower.
The point with the shower was then the only thing that was yesterday as I had imagined it to be all day long.
My other plans were thrown overboard at the moment when a dark prince emerged from the depths of our earth at the edge of the pool, he looked like our swimming coach Thomas, but he wasn't!
What have you done with Thomas, go on spooky ... 🙂
Without swimming into the pool, but with a lot of pounding at the edge of the pool, it started; 400m test, full throttle !!!
I observed how some of my club colleagues wanted to slowly withdraw towards the exit with these words.
Nothing there !!! There was no escape, the dark prince shooed them back to the edge of the pool. They stood there completely stunned and everyone was counted down after seconds and at "zero" it started!
My starting jump was top notch, I had ripped off a pair of glasses. All of a sudden my left glass was full of water, I had to constantly correct my "left spin" while swimming, there was no time to stop and adjust the glasses. On the spot the fiery breath of "our trainer" would have boiled me in the water. In the end, the clock stood at 5:53 for me, well ... 😉 Praise be to the inventor of wetsuits !!
After an eternal pause of about 10 seconds I went on with 10x200m, for me full steam, he had graciously sent me to the track with the fastest swimmers. We fought for our lives and to stay in the water shadow of the fast swimmers. What we always managed for about 50-100m ... m
When everyone thought it was done, another ominous voice answered from the edge of the pool.
“Another 400m test, but this time at least as fast as the first.” In the scuffle that followed, Thomas didn't let anyone out of the water. Became merciless
every attempt to escape is nipped in the bud and that person is thrown back into the water! They all passed the second test under threat of being beaten
what a training ... for that I wanted to swim out easily in my rest week ...
skin in!

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