exhausting weekend!

Hi Guys,

On the picture you can see my parents, Martin, Steffen & Sylvi and Julia & me at IM South Africa 2007.

Last weekend I was in Lichtenfels for a little training camp with Steffen.
Briefly to the background: Steffen's birthday was a few days ago, his girlfriend
was busy organizing a surprise party for him on Friday night.
His buddy Frank (1st AK 18, IM UK) and I should therefore distract him on Friday.

Easier done than said, Steffen wanted to pick me up from Nuremberg by bike and then to the sports shops in Herzogenaurach
So we met on Friday around 1.30 p.m. just before Herzogenaurach, we raced through the shops with dirty clothes and cycling shoes
To scare away the serious customers with our sweat-soaked jerseys ๐Ÿ˜‰

When we were done with it, of course, neither of them bought anything, so we are back in the direction of Lichtenfels (near Coburg) around 2:30 p.m. After we realized that the sun goes down pretty soon at this time of year, we had to really push the last mountainous kilometers. There was no light on the bike. Fortunately, we also wore striking colors that helped the cars to see us better in the dark, namely black!

At 17:30 we were finally in Lichtenfels. I was looking forward to my meal and my little nap before the party started. After all, I had been on the road bike for almost 5 hours and Frank and Steffen about 8 hours. After only two bites, Steffen called, "Come on, let's go to the sauna for another 2 hours!" To relax. Oh man, after that I was sure to be totally exhausted. Reluctantly, I gave in to my fate, after all, we should distract Steffen all day ๐Ÿ™

Maybe then I could finally relax in the sauna. Pustecake, Steffen had all the infusion times in his head, for every infusion he kept coming running and driving us through the various saunas in a completely hectic manner. Ten infusions and 2 hours later it was done. In the meantime, Steffen had already told me his plan for the next day. At 9am a GA1 3.5 hour run (this corresponds to a training marathon of 42km) !!

In the evening, completely unsuspecting, we carted him to the pub where the surprise party was supposed to take place. He was of course absolutely perplexed and couldn't believe who was there!

For the first time that day I was able to relax and make myself comfortable with my beer ๐Ÿ™‚ The party was really great, cool music, lots of sweets, free beer ... that's how it has to be !! At half past four we were at home with my friend in Lichtenfels.

The barrel was simply moved back to 12 o'clock. With residual alcohol and a terrible taste in our mouths, we then ran from the water point to public taps and even into the cemetery to quench our thirst. After 2.5 hours I was allowed to finish the run. Steffen is then still on his own (at least that's what he told me ๐Ÿ˜‰

what a training camp :))

On Sunday I was cycling with Iwan for almost 4 hours through Hersbrucker Switzerland. The poor man had to pay hard for it, after the last mountain he was so flat that we had to take breaks on the way to the gas station. After a liter of Coke and two Snickers and a tire change, it was halfway ready for action again. He will probably no longer want to ride with me ๐Ÿ™‚ but next time I think I'll just take a few extra bars with me.

I hope your weekend was a little quieter?

skin in!


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