People need new goals

After dreaming of starting in Hawaii for years, it's now done and I'm back in my home country. On the one hand, of course, I feel boundless joy, satisfaction and maybe a bit of pride that the years of training have paid off.

Many have told me that afterwards I can fall into a hole because my great goal has now come true. But I have to say that is not the case. You just have to be able to set new goals. Even a Mark Allen was able to motivate himself to start again after 5 wins in Hawaii. Sure, it's not quite that far for me yet 😉

So it should be much easier for me to look for a new destination.

In all probability, I will only start in Germany next year. As nice as my tours to competitions abroad have been in recent years, they have also been time-consuming and expensive. For next year I have decided to work more on my basic speed. Because it is known to not get faster with age schneller Maybe the krelli will manage to run a 10 under 35 minutes in his old days.

Nevertheless, I would like to start at a long distance, which is the most fun for me and I also need a goal that I can train towards. A great help in daily motivation 😉

Now of course the question arises, which one? But I don't have too many alternatives anymore. At the moment I am toying with the LD in Moritzburg. As far as I know there is also the LD in Cologne, the Ostseeman and maybe again the one on Lake Constance.

Hey, have any of you participated in one of these three and can tell me something about it? Just write me a comment (below at the end of the text) or email, I'd be happy!

In any case, my big goal will now be to break the 9-hour mark on the LD !!! For all who think now; "Hey, he did 10:13 in Hawaii and now wants to get under 9 hours ??" Hawaii is Hawaii and LD is LD 🙂 In Zurich this year I missed the mark by 23 minutes, but it also showed me that I can reach it sometime, so let's go !!

For the next few days, however, it's first time to chill, on the weekend there will be a big party with my friends, it will be really awesome! :)) I will start the training again soon, but only loosely and as the mood takes it ...

lovely days!!


2 thoughts on “Neue Ziele braucht der Mensch

    I AM TRIATLET myself (48) and have done half a distance up to yets 3 times and in 28% 002/09 in eilat I do the first time
    I read everything you wrote and saw everything live from you in Kona, it’s great what you’ve got and still’s great

  2. Hello Hagi,

    wow, you are from Israel and you saw my video blog, cool! 🙂 Do you get to buy the German triathlon newspaper there?
    I think I've heard of your long distance, is it good, how many people start there?
    In any case, I wish you a good training until then and send me a few pictures of your competition, which I can put on my side.
    I'm sure the people here are interested in what this competition looks like.

    Many greetings

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